Special Education Resources
Helpful Websites, Articles and Research
Answers 4 Families: Families and professionals can find information and support from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services’ Answers 4 Families.
Center for Parent Information and Resources: A training module for screening, evaluation, and assessment procedures for early intervention can be found here to help parents of babies and toddlers.
Center for Parent Information and Resources: 10 Basic Steps in Special Education explains the process special education services for a child.
Closing the Gap: Closing the Gap helps people learn how to utilize assistive technology to change lives.
National Center for Learning Disabilities: The National Center for Learning Disabilities answers frequently asked questions (FAQ) on this page of resources.
Office of Disability Employment Policy: The United States Department of Labor offers many different disability employment policy resources that are categorized by topic.
Parent Training Information: Education topics and laws are presented on this site along with local information for those who live in Massachusetts.
Reading Rockets: Back-to-School Tips for Parents of Children with Special Needs is a great article to get the school year off to a good start.
Teaching Tips
Ability Path: Ability Path and Temple Grandin offer teaching tips for children and adults with autism spectrum disorder.
Autism Web: Autism Web gives parents and teachers tips for autism.
Help Guide: Help Guide offers advice for helping children with learning disabilities at home and at school.
LD Online: LD Online helps parents build a relationship with their child’s teacher.
Children’s Books
Children’s Disabilities Information: The website provides a list of children’s books that are about special needs and disabilities.
Explaining Special Needs to Your Child: 15 Great Children’s Books: Special Needs Resources lists 15 great children’s books that help explain special needs to children.
Institute for Humane Education: Characters with special needs take center stage in these children’s books.
Autism and Oughtisms: The mom of 2 autistic boys is the author of this inspirational and informative blog about autism.
Love that Max: A magazine editor mom of a special needs child writes this inspirational blog about parenting a special needs child.
My Special Needs Network: Learning solutions for kids with special needs can be found on this blog.
The Life Unexpected: Marianne Russo gives advice and information through The Life Unexpected and also through The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Talk Radio Network.
The Shut-Down Learner: Dr. Richard Selznick offers information and practical advice to parents of special needs children.
Facebook Pages
Community of Practice for Supporting Families with Disabilities: The Community of Practice for Supporting Families with Disabilities is a place to share resources and knowledge and to discuss issues.
Federation for Children with Special Needs: To benefit those with special needs or disabilities, Federation for Children with Special Needs provides support and inspiration.
Parenting Special Needs Magazine: This Facebook page gives inspiration and support to those with special needs and their families.